Certainly you may respond to my comment. I absolutely understand the goals of your organization. However, I find that those on the right who are bigoted, homophobic and against the rights of women to be beneath contempt.
You object to using “demeaning” language to describe those who demean all who are not like them. Quite the paradox.
Stu Graff
On Jul 1, 2015, at 10:49 AM, Louis H Kraus <LHK@getbetteroutcomes.site> wrote:
You submitted this comment on 2015/04/21 at 7:55 pm. Please forgive the length of time it is taken us to respond.
“In this instance, Harry Reid is correct. Maybe you should examine the messages of the candidate’s he’s talking about; “losers” is actually being kind.”
While I am very pleased with the fact that you commented on my website, it is obvious that you did not understand the purpose of our organization. Dave Scott and I have agonized over what to do with your comment. I feel it worthwhile to explain.
We are concerned about the way people speak to each other. We chose to post a blog about Harry Reid’s statement because his use of the term “losers”, in our minds, was an attempt to demean the candidates about which he was speaking. They may very well not be able to win the campaign, but his choice of words and the manner in which he used them is objectionable.
I hope this makes sense, but if it doesn’t my cell phone number is listed below. If it is okay with you I would like to be able to respond your comment on my website.
Please let me know what you think.
Louis H. Kraus, INFJ, MSSA
May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable. (Psalms 19:15)