What is important?

“It is not important that we come together in a moment of crisis and show our patriotism by flying the flag; it is not enough that we become a superpower by building an arsenal that can destroy this earth several times over; it is not enough that we subjugate the rest of the world through our military might – because peace cannot be built on the foundations of fear.

Nonviolence means allowing the positive within you to emerge. Be dominated by love, respect, understanding, appreciation, compassion, and concern for others rather than the self-centered and selfish, greedy, hateful, prejudiced, suspicious, and aggressive attitude that dominate our thinking. We often hear people say: this world is ruthless, and if you want to survive. You must become ruthless too. I humbly disagree with this contention.

This world is what we have made of it. If it is ruthless today is because we have made it ruthless by our attitude. We change ourselves. We can change the world, and changing ourselves begins with changing our language and methods of communication.”

“Arun Gandhi (Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Forward of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life, version 2)”