Stop Kidding Ourseleves
Our brains have bugs.
Politicians use their rhetoric to manipulate our bugs.
We stay with our group point fingers at everybody else and blame them for all the problems.
The truth is that we all start out pretty much alike it’s all the stuff that happens to us or doesn’t happen to us that influences how we grow up. Ask Abraham Maslow.
Words are the most powerful thing on earth. We can use them to hurt people. Or we can use them compassionately to help each other. When we use them indiscriminately, without thinking or emotionally in anger, we create toxic space. That toxic space will expand as far as we let it an effect those around us.
If we don’t stop using our words to push people away that we don’t like. Soon there will only be our friends and all the people we don’t like will come rolling back over us.
We have to learn how to get along and be fair with everyone.
If we let the powerful people in our world run things, were going to get powerful people’s worlds. Not all of us are powerful and we can’t live in those worlds, so we need people from all the different worlds making decisions for us.
Right now all of our decisions are controlled by powerful people who spend their money on political campaigns which manipulate our brains to get their friends our vote.
Better outcomes can level the playing field. Our mediators cut through the crap to get the answers that we need to vote, objectively. There are good people out there, but with all the money being spent on every rich people’s cronies there shut out of the market. Our candidate conversations are much less expensive, local and distributed, uncut via the Internet. We will offer demonstrations of these conversations during the last 2 weeks in October in Ohio. We will put them on our website so that everyone can see how they work then you can judge whether or not they are really different.
If you like what you see, a donation will make it possible for us to spread this model as far as your money will go. We will try to keep our costs as low as possible, and we intend to use local people, for these events. We will train them and support them but we want local opinions and feelings represented. We hope that people from other areas will see in our events. The issues that people are concerned about are pretty universal. When you get back to basics. We are all alike.